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Lectures & Projects



BPC Lectures & Courses 


The priority of our lectures and art Projects aims to disseminate information about the Brazilian Popular Culture, in order to instigate students and teachers to better explore Brazil's cultural roots throughout celebrations, local artists, and traditions.


Available for 2018:

[] Festa Junina in the Northeast of Brazil.

[] Cabeçorras: Local traditions of the northeastern's Carnaval.

[] RECYCLING: Toys making.

[] You + I = Group work through Creative Process.

[] Jorge Amado: He wrote two books for children.

[] Candido Portinary: He was a child just like me.

[] Lazar Segal: From Lithuania to Brazil.

[] The Caveman.


For requests please send your proposal by e-mail. That way we may be able to verify our annual calendar.





Art-Educational Projects development + Art Exhibitions for schools.


As a former student in Curadoria Educativa: Elementos Para Uma Prática Crítico-Reflexiva da Arte-Educação em Instituições, at ECA-USP and a Bachelor of Fine Arts at UAM \ UEM universities, I am able to develop projects in the arts department for schools and promote events of educational and cultural processes involving art and public at museums, cultural institutions, non-profit social projects and schools.


The following are developed and implemented projects:
[] Jorge Amado: He wrote two books for children.
[] Lasar Segal: From Lithuania to Brazil!
[] Romero Britto and the study of the primary colors.
[] I am a child, just like Portinari was!
[] Saint Jhon's Festival: Tradition, Culture, and Art.
[] Creative Process.




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