Former students, Artists friends, Teachers, Professors and regular students usually call him that way. But his real name is Ermeson Ferreira Santos.
He was born and grew up in a small town called Estancia, located in the smallest state of Brazil - Sergipe State. He moved to the capital of the state - Aracaju - when he was 15 years old to continue his studies and to start to work.
Mister Ermeson studied Marketing at McDonald's Corporation Brazil and studied four years course of Theology. He is a Bachelor of Arts with specialization in Audiovisual and New Medias, and a certified Art-Educator by Universidade Anhembi Morumbi | Laureate International Universities in Sao Paulo-SP, Brazil.
He loves to travel and have circulated three continents in the globe such as the Americas, Europe and Africa accumulating knowledge and culture, always trying to co-relate ART, Education, and Development.
He has lived in the USA for Language Recycling and frequently goes back with the same purpose. Mister Ermeson also lived in Madrid - Spain, to study Fine Arts and Spanish language at Universidad Europea de Madrid, returning to Brazil in 2011.
Currently, he is taking classes of Art Therapy and Expressive Therapies course at UNESP as a Post-graduate student. He just took an Extension Course of "Formação de Professores de Inglês para Crianças e Adolescentes" at Pontifícia Universidade Católica in São Paulo, and at the moment he is preparing his master's research about Cultural Studies at USP - Universidade de São Paulo.
Mister Ermeson already held positions in large schools of São Paulo such as PRIMA Montessori School of São Paulo, Colégio Santa Maria, Instituto Educacional Arraial das Cores, Stance Dual School and at MIA - Monica's International School. Right now he's acting as a Lower school Teaching Assistant position at GRADED - The American School of São Paulo.
Most of his English is a result of his contact with the Julians - an American Missionary Family that lived and worked in Brazil - with whom he lived for nearly 10 years. Through the Julians, Mr. "E" worked in the mission field as an interpreter and translator for American missionary groups. In addition to that, he worked with international NGOs such as Global Missions Strategies Inc. and Churches like Hibernia Baptist Church, as a Local Logistics Coordinator. Among many opportunities, he also participated in various volunteering works in Brazil being part of the translators and volunteer staff for Bell Shoals Baptist Church, First Baptist of Orlando, and other churches from the United States of America. Nowadays his "American Family" the Julians are living in Canada.
As a Bachelor of Visual Arts, Mr. Ermeson also plays the role of Visual Artist, signing his artworks as Minho. You may check his portfolio webpage by clicking here.
"A mediocre teacher tells.
A good teacher explains.
A superior teacher demonstrates.
A great teacher inspires. "
William A. Ward