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Benefits of
watching movies.
by Mister Ermeson |  Source:  article on ABCLife


what is behind about our ongoing love of movies? Is it just about being entertained, or do we get something deeper from the films we watch?

According to five experts watching movies is not only about blowing off steam and having a laugh. Watching a film can also be a way of appreciating art and learning lessons about ourselves and about the world.

Is also an opportunity to practice another language by improving pronunciation and developing your listening skills, as well as built vocabulary.


It is always a good call to use subtitles either in English or Portuguese while watching movies or Tv series.

According to BBC Life there are "5 very real benefits of watching movies" and here they are:

1. Films help us learn:

"We can learn a huge amount about certain moments in time or certain perceptions of moments in time" from watching films." In other words, films can shape the way we're making sense of the world we're living in right now — regardless of the period they're set in.

2. Films can drive social change:

Films have always inspired social change due to their ability to teach viewers about experiences outside their own perspective, inspire empathy, and raise politically charged questions. For example, recently, calls for action on racial hegemony and sexual harassment in Hollywood sparked new debates about racial and gender equality.

3. Films help us process

difficult life lessons:

Films provide "an opportunity for viewers to recognise themselves in a character or some part of a film's narrative in order to undergo change". In other words, films can be "a safe space" where we can find alternative role models to identify with, and observe those characters' behaviours as they tackle challenges similar to our own.

4. Films are a social experience:

Box office ticket sales are on the rise globally, despite the popularity of streaming services, shows just how important movie-going (going to the cinema) remains to our social lives. Even where we do stream movies at home, we increasingly find ways to connect with friends and communities over films.

5. Films help us appreciate art:

Films are often seen primarily as a form of entertainment, but it's worth remembering cinema is also an art form. Simply watching a film can be a way of appreciating art and heightening your cultural awareness — in a format that is more accessible to many of us than a gallery.

So... during this period of social distancing watching movies or Tv series could be a good way of not only being entertained.

Click here to read the entire article on ABCLife

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